
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Making your own simple and easy carpet powder

I have allergies to many fragrances and the often stronge over
powering scents of the commerical carpet powders are no exception.
There are a few that do not bother me much but they are not scents I
care for. So decided to make my own. I first tried just baking soda
and it did the same as commercial powders do. Helped absorbed odors
and even helped loosen pet hair off the carpet. Next time I wanted it
to freshen up the house a little more so I added several drops of
essential oil and shook it without mercy:) My scent of choice
pathioli, aromatharpy for the house! My next try I made a powder mix
using 2 cups baking soda and a tablespoon of corn scarch and an
essential oil(this time using a blend of mints and citris). It worked
wonderfully and it is the one I am sticking with until I find
something else to experiment with. To find the best price on baking
soda check the cleaning section where you shop first. I found a large
box at walmart for $2.10, more the twice the size of a box of carpet
powder for around the same price. There is many uses for your powder
trash cans, pet bed, cars, I also like to just sprinkle small amounts
under the sofa cushions. So there you have it easy and inexpensive 1,2
and 3 ingredient carpet powder costum fragrance and easy on the
allergies! Posted from my cell so please excuse any typos:-P

Friday, July 22, 2011

Finally some new Product photos:)

I found the time to take photos of the hand made box I made and a few other things, so it is time to share!

Upcycled Cherry Wood Jewelry Box w/Lupine Print Top

Hand Made jewelry, trinket, stash box. Upcycled/recycled cherry wood salvaged and repurposed into this beautiful box. Every part of this box is hand crafted, the lupine image is an original photo from myself and covered with a thick layer of clear resin making it permanent. Box is hand rubbed with and antique oil finish. The bottom inside and the bottom outside are both felt lined, the hinges are high quality brass. Box measurements are 4 x 4 x 2 1/2 in. Would you like something different? Maybe with a latch, lock, no felt, different image from my photography? I still have enough of this beautiful salvaged cherry wood to make a few more boxes. You can have it made as you wish. I can even do an image of your own! Your kids, pets, friends and family! Make it personal or find a favorite image from my photography. For sale on Etsy HERE

 I also have these two pair of earrings to show....

Rainbow Drop Swarovski Crystal Earrings

Beautiful, elegant and fun purple, topaz, blue, and green swarovski crystals catching and playing with the light with every movement. Hung on gun metal chain giving a playfully dark goth feel but still colorful and full of life. The earwire is oxidized silver plated. Earrings are 2 1/4 in long from the curve of the earwire. For sale on Etsy HERE

Wings & Things Steampunk Earrings Gears Wings OOAK

 Lovely Simple Steampunk dangles. Want to add a little different look with out going all out? Or maybe add to you already Unique Steampunk style these earring are for you! Simple yet eye-catching. Two kinds of gears from watch parts and a wing charm dangles at the bottom ready to take flight at moments notice. Earwire are copper but can be changed to silver plated for no extra cost or Sterling Silver for $2. Earrings measures 1 1/2 in from the base of the earwire. For sale on ebay HERE

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A few photos to share

Still in the midst of my creative block:( But I did get some nice photos during a hike out to a light house this past weekend and wanted to share them with you. This little dragonfly was just hanging out posing for me.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Kindred Finds 7-11-11

Here are a few favorites from my daily finds last week. I post daily finds of undiscovered artist, shops and artisans, favorites finds ranging from handmade products, painting, art, photography, bloggers and more on twitter and facebook. Follow my facebook and/or twitter to see all my picks. I mark my finds with #KF on twitter.
First I will start with one of my own postcard sets Crows in Black and White Postcards set of 2. These two images are some of my own personal favs from my collection.

Next is a fun unique find called Symphony, A Dance of Lampwork Glass from Morning Light Glass. I was just drawn to this piece at first sight.

Looking for something a little dark and feminine to hang on your wall? My next pick might just do the trick  Violet 8x10 signed print by Dark Faerie Creations. I love the purples and the Tim Burton influence! And while visiting her shop you have to check out her art dolls they are what first brought me to her shop.

So those are my favorites from last week. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Artist feature -Emily Dewbre-Young of Primal Aspects

Today I am happy to feature an artist I found while browsing Artfire. I love her work and hope you nenjoy it as well.

Name: Emily Dewbre-Young
Shop Name: Primal Aspects                                                                  

How did you name your business?

     Its a bit of an odd answer to this questions. It was actually done by starting two lists of words that pertained to any number of things 
that I liked. Then I started with taking a word from each list and putting them together to see if they would flow well together. As well as if they portrayed a phrase that I liked, unusual and meaningful. In doing this I found Primal Aspects fit these best out of what came out of this process. I like most subjects and styles if I can or even can't do them but I feel I tend to see them in my way when they are a completed work. Giving them my aspects on the canvas. When it comes to Primal its not quiet that specific to the word. Animals are one of my favorite subjects, yes, and I would like to think that the everyday person would be able to enjoy my works. That they would be able to in a very basic (or primal) way now relate to one piece or like the way it was done. Not that I expect to sell them all but that I love to hear what they have to say about them. 

How long have you been doing your art/craft for?
     Honestly there is no memory for me, of ever having even doodled before I went to Junior High School. Being given the options of a
few different extracurricular class gave me the chance to try art my second year in. That carried on in to High School until graduation. So lets just say 'around' 20 years that I have been doing some kind of art work. :)

What inspires and influences your work?
      Sometimes things are easy enough to just start showing up on the canvas until they become complete. There are times however 
that I have to try to get the creative juices flowing. There are a few tricks that I have found to work sometimes for myself but there are times that it is hard to get a piece to form for me to start working. That is just the way I have learned that most creative thinkers tend to be. Its hard to work if the inspiration and influences isn't there. Most effective ways I have found for me is to set outside and take in nature. Seeing as how I like to do works of animals that usually sparks ideas for them. Anything else usually comes to me when I set and talk to friends or making myself take the time to search for new subject matter. 

Where can your artwork/pieces be found?
     My wonderful husband helps to spread my artwork online around for me. He created a website of my own at as well as we have accounts with ArtFire and Etsy for now as well as deviantArt and imagekind. We do have pages with several of the social sites like Facebook, Twitter, IndiePublic, etc. For the most part, look for PrimalAspects at most places and you'll find me. :)

What do you do when your not creating?
     Well of course there is always the time with the family and friends. Aside from that my individual likes are usually reading, spiritual teachings, movies, cooking, its been too hot for me on the gardening front and unfortunately the addicting games on my phone find my 

What is your favorite piece(s) that you have created?
     That's a hard one for me to pin point. I have a few that I remember doing over my younger years that I no longer have but 
remember well. One of them was my first water color as well as my first combination of mediums. This piece 
was of a jaguar stepping through some fallen tree limbs and leaves. There has been a few more over the years but this was the first
and one that once I was done gave me the confidence that kept me continuing to do more. 

Why did you create this piece(s)?
       This work was done back in my high school days so I am afraid I don't remember what the spark was for it. 

What do you feel is special about your art/craft?
     I don't know that I would consider my art special with so many of my friends being creative thinkers I have seen some wonderful 
creations. However, I do think that it makes them special when someone finds they like my work enough
to buy it. Its not until then when they have a connection with something I have done that it is finally complete for me. 

Are there other forms of art and crafts you would like to learn? And why?
     The top three would have to be pottery wheel, photography and most of all traditional glass blowing. They seem to have the ability 
to draw me into immediate ideas only with knowing that I am not sure they will work until I try them and find out. 

Here are links where you can find Primal Aspects 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

During my search for healthy living

I have been looking for recipes for making our own natural/organic lotions, lip balm etc... and came across this easy to make recipe and instruction video.Had to share, I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I hope everyone had a great 4th of July. We had a small family BBQ and went to the fireworks. It does not matter how much read up I do on taking firework pictures I just can not get those awesome shots I see in all the photography books.... maybe it is because I am with 3 little ones that think the camera is there so I can be their personal photographer, which I am, lol! But here are my favorite shots from last night fireworks.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

A few collections

Here are some wonderful collections I have been recently featured in. So many other talented artist and artisans in these collection. I hope you enjoy and visit their shop to see what other goodies they have.